The 2024 event will take place at: ETC Venues, 601 Lexington Avenue. New York, NY 10022
Should you require accommodation for your attendance at the conference, you might consider the following hotels, which are all a short walk to the conference venue:
Hilton Garden Inn United Nations New York
206 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022
+1-888-537-4648; 0.1 mile south from the venue
Hilton Garden Inn United Nations New York
Pod 51 Hotel Midtown East
230 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022
+1-888-537-4648; 0.1 mile south from the venue
Pod 51 Hotel Midtown East New York
Benjamin Royal Sonesta Hotel New York
125 East 50th Street, New York, NY 10022
+1-888-537-4648; 0.1 mile SW
Benjamin Royal Sonesta Hotel New York